CBC Health Services Joins Pursuit for Disability Inclusivity
By Fru Rita Ngum
Edited By Mufuh Ramiro
Shifting from the Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) approach to Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) preoccupied over 400 delegates of CBR organizations from 42 countries who converged at 6th CBR Conference in Lusaka Zambia from May 11-14, 2018.
The conference that held under the patronage of the World Health Organisation (WHO) had as theme, “CBR for resilience building and sustainable development: Leave no one behind” in view with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of Disability Inclusion.
People with disabilities are among the world’s most vulnerable and least empowered groups. It has been noted that this group of persons often experience stigma and discrimination with limited access to health care, education and livelihood opportunities.
WHO CBR Guidelines states that at least 10% of the world’s population lives with disabilities, with the majority living in developing countries
The main talking point of the conference was on better ways persons with disabilities can be better included in developmental plans of communities and governments. Delegates made interesting presentations and informative dialogue on how CBR operates in their respective communities, and how they can better transform the lives of persons living with disabilities in their own countries.