CBC Inclusive School and Sign Language Centre

The IPSSLC formally called ISFD, Mbingo has its origins in the work of the Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Service of the Mbingo Baptist Hospital. It started by teaching Sign Language communication skills to children with profound hearing impairments ,their families members and care givers The program started as a pre-school training unit and was later transformed into a full-fledged primary school in the year 2000.in tandem with global trends of inclusion .It admits children in the North West and beyond
The program extended it services to Baptist Comprehensive High School (BCHS) Njinikejim Belo in 2006/2007 academic year which is an inclusive Secondary setting. In the 2013/2014 academic year Government Bilingual High School (GBHS) Bamenda opened her doors to children with hearing impairments and GBHS Kumbo followed suite in the 2016/2017 academic year.
In 2017 ISFD was co-located with CBC Mbingo 1 Primary School and this necessitated the change of name into CBC IPSSLC The IPSSLC provides quality support in primary education to learners with hearing impairments, mobility impairments, and mild intellectual disabilities in mainstream settings. The school has a preparatory section for fresh learner with hearing impairments where orientation in sign language is done for two years before placement in mainstream classrooms.The school admits both boys and girls with hearing impairments from the age of 5years and those without hearing impairment
- To promote the advancement of inclusive societies and inclusive development
- Provision of functional primary education for learners with hearing impairments, mobility impairment, mild intellectual disabilities in inclusive settings.
- To provide vocational training opportunities for the development of entrepreneurial skills.(Embroidery, Carpentry, shoe mending, barbing, animal husbandry
- To provide capacity enhancement programs on sign language to resource teachers, families of deaf children, and the general public.
- To provide training opportunities on Community sign language
- To provide support services to mainstream schools

- Adjusting the curriculum to meet the needs of diverse learners.
- Teaching of all Primary School Subjects in the curriculum put in place by the Ministry of Basic Education.
- Teaching and learning of computer skills.
- Teaching and learning of sign language
- Experiential learning through creative teaching.
- Co-curricular activities ( sports, dance, club activities, school band , field trips etc)
- Graduates from the school are now members of staff
- Excellent performances in inclusive sports winning a silver medal at the national level and great results at the regional level.
- Good performances in end of course certificate examinations.
- Training of many parents in sign language communication skills in communities in the North West Region that has led to the promotion of social inclusion.
- Development of a network of inclusive education teachers in the North West Region of Cameroon which is a community that promotes best practices