Community-Base Rehabilitation
What is Community Based Rehabilitation
Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) is a strategy in community development built on the values of participatory and rights based approaches to development. The aim of this service is to enable Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and those at risk of acquiring disabilities have access to equal opportunities in order to improve on their quality of life.
The CBR of the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services started in 1983 as an Agricultural Rehabilitation for the Blind (ARB) with focus on agricultural rehabilitation for persons with disability (PWDs). In 1992, CBR services were extended to people with all types of disabilities within the Northwest Region.

- Governments,
- Civil society organisations,
- Persons with all types of disabilities,
- Parents of children with disabilities,
- Persons at risk of having disabilities.
- To ensure persons with disabilities (PWDs) make maximum use of their potentials to access regular services and opportunities to become active stakeholders of development.
- To ensure that communities promote and protect the human rights of PWDs by accepting disability as part of human diversity and eliminating stigma and stereotypes which alienates PWDs from community life.
Activities of the CBR
- Identification and referrals and follow up of PWD to appropriate services
- Training on orientation, mobility, and daily living skills.
- Facilitating access to livelihood opportunities and vocational rehabilitation for PWDs.
- Community awareness, and health education on ways of preventing disabilities.
- Facilitating accessible communication through teaching of sign language in homes and communities of children with hearing impairment.
- Pre-school and home-based support for children with disabilities.
- Advocacy to promote social inclusion.
- Providing assistive devices for persons with disabilities.
- Formation and capacity building of Associations of Persons with Disabilities,
- Organizing community medical outreach services to promote screening, early detection and treatment of disabling impairments.