CBC Health Services installs Committee to foster Inclusive Education in West Region
The Regional Delegate of Secondary Education for West Region has installed the Management and Steering Committees for Inclusive Education (IE) in the West Region

CBCHS, Education Stakeholders in NW Region take commitment to foster Inclusive Education
The University of Bamenda (UBa) alongside the Northwest Regional Delegations of Secondary and Basic Education have taken commitment to continue fostering inclusion

The Ministry of Social Affairs Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the CBC Health Services
The CBC Health services has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the ministry of social affairs, to foster collaboration framework in the domain of prevention of disabilities,
Covid-19 Prevention and Control
Ensuring the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the Fight Against COVID-19
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Ensuring the inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the Fight Against COVID-19
Wil Schrijvershof Scholarship fund for Deaf Girls in Cameroon 2020
With a view to sustainably promote the education of deaf and hard of hearing girls in Cameroon, the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services is launching the Wil Schrijvershof Scholarship Fund. Endowed through the generosity of Wil Schrijvershof, her friends and family, this fund is intended to provide funding for the educational expenses of girl children who are deaf and hard of hearing.

Socio Economic Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (SEEPD) Program Orientation Program for Volunteers/interns on the SEEPD Program